Thursday, September 26, 2013

Adaptive Symbol

As known, annotation tags in Revit can show information of families. But Symbols can't.

In the picture above, level tags show levels automatically, but it does'n happen in section symbols. It could make some documents incorrect. Of course it's been happening when we use Autocad. But in Revit? I expect it shouldn't be.

So I developed a symbol family which can follow the model and make correction automatically.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Automate Tag, Annotation, Symbol.

Tags and annotations in Revit are very useful. But some families need tags or symbols in most views at the same position like fire-rating tags for doors.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Make Curtain Wall Smart

Environmentally, I can't say curtain wall is the best option. My office has good looking wide curtain walls, but they made me like a turkey in the oven last summer. (Damn energy policy!!! :(  )

But it's still attractive when we design a building with large and simple shaped mass.


Revit provides pretty good feature to make curtain walls. But there are some inconveniences yet.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Horizontality & Verticality

Horizontality and verticality are very important in building design.

Most of buildings have to stand Vertical on the ground and provide Horizontal floors for people or something to stand.

In Revit, most of families find there axis as horizontal &vertical in project automatically. But, for what reason  they don't when I use 3d curved paths to get workplanes for profiles.

At the picture above, you can see what happens when a path is 3d curved. Workplanes at the ends are rotated.(so are the workplanes at the middle)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Spanish Roof Tiles

As known, we don't have to make in 3d every parts of buildings when use Revit.
We can use 2d elements for documents and it's good enough for construction.

But in some reasons, we have to make highly detailed models sometimes.

Roof tiles are one of them. It's not nessesary in 3d for construction documents. But without medeling, the visual effect can't be like real one.

In fact, I rarely use roof tiles in my projects. I tried this just because of my curiousity.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Visibility of Symbolic Line

Everyone may know how useful Symbolic lines are when make families. And visibility setting makes Symbolic line more powerful. With this feature, we can make highly detailed plan or section views without 3D models.

But in some of family templates, the option of 'Show only if Instance is cut' can not be changed.

Visibility setting in a Genetic model template
I just can't understand why this is blocked! (anyone knows?)

And the way I found to change this option is..

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Stair Landing with Treads.

Here is one of my old tips.

In some projects, space for stairs can't be large enough. Therefore more steps are necessary even at their landings.

General Stair in Revit

If just tread profile lines added at the landing above.. It goes like this

Monday, September 2, 2013

3Points Circle without Formulas

After I started this Blog, thankfully, I'm getting more feedback than i expected, and I love it.

A week ago, I posted about 3-point Circle. And I got a response from Dr. Mark.

I think the bottom line of his idea is reducing complicated formulas, and placing proper location.

Like i said at this post, I hate formulas too. :-)  And he is right about the placing part. I just ignored it at the last post.

Dr. Mark's Idea is quite impressive. But I thought it there must be a simpler way. (I think there're always easier or simpler ways when use Revit)

Here is my solution.
I didn't use any of formulas except '='. I just used the feature of Host Point by Intersection.

Thanks again Dr.Mark.

Enjoy. :-)

Ceiling Hangers in Revit

Most of Ceiling hangers have structures like above picture.
Is there anyone make this on 3D in Revit? I suppose not. If not, there must be several ways to describe this especially in section views.

General Methods

Method1 : Using detail lines- just like what we do in Autocad....
                  Why do you use Revit???

Method2 : Make one hanger with Detail Component and copy or array this in a project..
                 This could be the basic way in Revit. But too much works(copy&array).

Method3 : Using Repeating Detail Component.
                 This could be more convenient. But in some projects, many types required.

Method4 : Make parametric Detail family.
                 It works fine in most projects. But under sloped roofs or slabs?