Monday, April 20, 2015

Railing on Topography

Have you ever experienced to create a railing at a topography in Revit?

If you say yes, I know it means you  have struggled a lot. Because topography can't be a host of railings. You could try with AC instead if you were good at using it, but AC can't be attached at topography because topography in Revit is not solid or poly-surface but mesh. (I've got to know the reason after start using Dynamo)

One of the great parts of placing AC by Dynamo is that you can place them even in the air. You don't need any edges or faces anymore. And it gives us a lot of potential advantages.

As an example, I created a simple farm fence here.

The balusters look like standing on the topography. Actually, they are in the air exactly at each of the same points on the topography.

You can download above files as usual.

Enjoy. :)


  1. Hi, I downloaded both Dynamo 0.7.5 and 0.8.1, and then the latest daily builds. I am working on metric units and just got a new (and powerful computer). I prepared a simple file where I just loaded the fence and created a topography with points. I did everything as you did, but the operation fails every time, in both versions of Dynamo. It was not clear how you select the topography though... I assume that just by having "Topography" in the Category dropdown menu early one is sufficient?

    Please let me know if you have any ideas about the error. I can send you the files if you prefer for you to take a quick look. Many thanks for sharing this, and I hope I can make it work.

    1. Hi Francisco,
      I'm not sure what's missing in your process. you can give me a link for further information via message at left so I can take a look.

    2. Thank you very much! What is your email, so I can share a dropbox folder? My email is asintoras at I updated the node TopoToPolysurface as per your other blog post. The nodes seem to be fine and I get no warnings, however, it gets freeze every time I try to do something, even with simple geometry. My goal is to do something similar but with a street profile (adaptive component family already created), so I can trace the centerline of the street on a plane, project it to the toposurface (or Polysurface) and associate the adaptive component family to those new points projected onto the polysurface. I hope this makes sense... I would like to share my files with you, so you can take a look at them and give me some ideas to make it work.


    3. Hello.
      I am having the same problem as Francisco. I have loaded the fence and created a topo surface. However when I select the lines like you have in your tutorial and run Dynamo, it comes up with an error. The 'TopotoPolysurface node' is red and says that the 'custom node definition is not loaded. I would appreciate your help as this seems a great way to deal with fencing on all my projects.


  2. Great tutorial. I've been using Revit for a while now, but pretty new to Dynamo. “TopoToPolySurface” node appears to be a custom node in your definition here, I was wondering if you could explain how you made that node?

    1. see my other post here

  3. Thank you for your reply.
    I tested it out and it worked, but I was wondering if your dynamo definition can be adjusted so that it has three adaptive points rather than two. I'm looking for that smooth curve as an adaptive family follows curved model lines.

    1. I was using this approach for a while now to get the site curbs in, see the link below for details

      The issue with it is that it only works on flat sites. I was wondering if your Farm Fence method can be modified to work with 3 adaptive points.

  4. Hi,

    I tried to make youre methode work but the adaptive points (and so are the posts) are placed on the same spot.

    When i check out the list from the Code Block point 0 and 1 heve the same xyz.

    Do you know how to fix this?

  5. Good days, I tried several times make the operation and no sale. It appears only a line, what could be happening?. Is a routine of dynamo that I like.

    Thanks a lot.

  6. Thanks for sharing Kim ..

    how can i get the TopoToPolySurface node??

  7. Glad Autodesk added topography as a host for railing
