Dynamo Custom Nodes by EnjoyRevit

RegularPolyhedron 0.7.5

Create each five types of regular polygedrons at once. (credit post)

Create a dual-polyhedron from given regular or semi-regular polyhedrons. (credit post)

TriFacePolyhedron 0.7.5

Return a polyhedron with all triangle faces from suplied regular or semi-regular polyhedron.
(credit post)

Curve.Merge 0.7.5

Merge overlapped curves to unique ones. 

Geometry.SplitMulti 0.7.5

Split a geometry by multiple tools at once, even if the order of tools is not organized.

HelixAtCurve 0.7.5

Create a helix curve following suplied curve as it's core path. It can generate a flat spiral as well.
(credit post)

Vertex Separator 0.7.5

Return both lists of valley & mountain vertex as points from supplied closed PolyCurve.
(credit post)

IsLine 0.7.5

Distinguish whether supplied curve is straight line or not. Return true if it is a line.

RegularStar 0.7.5

Create a regular star shaped PolyCurve. Keep in mind that a star should have more than 5 mountain vertexes. (credit post)

ChainList 0.7.5

Create chained sublists from a list. It's useful when you want to create separated curves or surfaces from a continuous list of points or curves.

CurvesToPolyCurve 0.7.5

Create PolyCurve if there are chained curves. Leave curves if there is no chained one with. Return a list contains both curves. I created this because the original node, PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves works only for a list with all-chained curves.

TopoToPolySurface 0.7.5

Created a PolySurface from given topography of Revit. (credit post)


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