Monday, September 2, 2013

3Points Circle without Formulas

After I started this Blog, thankfully, I'm getting more feedback than i expected, and I love it.

A week ago, I posted about 3-point Circle. And I got a response from Dr. Mark.

I think the bottom line of his idea is reducing complicated formulas, and placing proper location.

Like i said at this post, I hate formulas too. :-)  And he is right about the placing part. I just ignored it at the last post.

Dr. Mark's Idea is quite impressive. But I thought it there must be a simpler way. (I think there're always easier or simpler ways when use Revit)

Here is my solution.
I didn't use any of formulas except '='. I just used the feature of Host Point by Intersection.

Thanks again Dr.Mark.

Enjoy. :-)

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